Through research, direct observation, and interviewing, Sherry Lowry has focused deeply on developing a keen understanding of WHO actually ENACTS visions. Most of us have great ideas. Bootstrappers know nothing REALLY happens, though, until there are effective ACTIONS around such. Bottom line, something has to also be sold or put into action literally. We will have a first-hand look at what thousands agree ARE qualities, behaviors, mind-sets and core characteristics of those actually carrying out visions: their own, of their projects, and of their companies and organizations when they are employed or contracted.
Sherry Lowry has founded and led 7 business entities within 7 different industries, the smallest being a solo, the largest becoming a 20,000 client international organization. Though none focused only locally, all have been based out of her native Texas. At the time, each has been on an emerging edge. The Lowry Group for the past 17 yrs of this career has been focusing on the emerging futures of already successful business founders/owners – and their own “next great adventures.” Sometimes this is a reinvention or expansion within their existing business, or it may be actively planning their legacies. Along the way, Sherry has become something of a specialist in 5 generations in the current workplace/workforce, and it is out of this interest that her most current research has also seeded then flourished.
Business Success Center
Chase Bank Tower
7600 Burnet Rd.
Austin, TX 78757
Monday, November 22, 2010, 7pm
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