CEOs’ club takes a broader view of energy policy


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been getting all the (bad) press, but there’s at least one national business organization that’s taking a broader view of efforts to combat climate change. CEOs’ club The Business Roundtable released a report last week titled Unfinished Business: The Missing Elements of a Sustainable Energy and Climate Policy, urging Congress and the Obama administration to protect energy security and economic growth while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and modernizing the electric grid.

While the report doesn’t exactly toe the enviro line — it promotes expansion of nuclear power and R&D investments in “clean coal” technology — green-minded readers can only applaud its call for enhanced energy efficiency and modernization of the electric power grid to better accommodate renewable energy. Encouragingly, Roundtable President John Castellani explicitly acknowledged that a sustainable transition to a low-carbon economy must be a national priority.

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